Vault 8166 is a hidden server on Roblox where unexplainable things are occurring. It is allegedly a secret map run by unknown hackers who can watch or monitor activity between users.
What Is Vault 8166?
*RECOVERED* Leaked ROBLOX Vault 8166 incident
The Found Video
Vault 8166 was rumored to be a remote server on Roblox where unexplainable things beyond usual are occurring. It is allegedly a secret map run by unknown hackers who can watch or monitor activity between users. It is said that anyone who goes there can gain access to certain information on Roblox and obtain access to an entire database of installations, GUIs, and programs. This facility is believed to be the birthplace of the most dangerous exploits in the games. Software, bots, or viruses are also stored here that have been placed and hidden into Roblox models or plugins. The intentions and history of this place have yet to be known.
On 9/14/2020, the public version of the facility was released. The UI panels within the facility cannot be accessed, and it is implied that some connections to a hidden API network have been disabled, although it is possible to execute some scripts by chatting leaked codes. The facility is divided into multiple "levels," As of date, levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 have been found.
The First Mention of Vault 8166
On November 15th, 2016, an anonymous user created a thread on the Roblox talk sub-forum. This user claimed to have accidentally gotten onto this "unknown place" while testing out a teleporter for a game. The thread summarizes how "evil is operating behind our eyes" and that there is a place where dangerous people are gaining access to user profiles and other information as we speak. This secret place was referred to as "Vault 8166". A few hours after the thread was posted, word went out. Mysteriously, the forum was nowhere to be found, along with the user who posted it. Moderators may have taken off the thread. If not, something else was at work, and it wanted the forum thread gone.
New footage surfaced on 7/8/2022 revealing a whole new perspective to the infamous leaked Roblox incident footage, this new footage also gave a more detailed look into the players seen in the footage, although their names are still not visible the previously 'red head' user was shown to have dark red head and arms, a dark green torso, and black legs. While the user colored black is shown to have red fire, and a particle emitter resembling a cross-bone skull. The footage also disproves a theory of there being 3 users, as seen in the footage the red head user walks off screen and then returns a second later, jumps, and the guardian is seen attacking the user with red fire. For a few frames, the red fire user is seen flying off-screen as the guardian appears behind the user. Afterwards, the video ends.
First Leaked Incident
Recovered Footage from 2016 - Vault 8166
New Leaked Roblox Vault 8166 Incident Footage
The first footage of the facility (first leaked in January 2017) was infamous for its mysterious footage. For years there has been speculation and debate about what this entity is. It is usually spotted near the entrance to level 3, and most believe it to be a "guardian" of the facility.
The new footage gives us a better look at the entity from another angle. After one user dodges the entity's attack, while the other unfortunately doesn't, the guardian comes back but freezes. The reason is unknown on why the guardian freezes, but it does give us a better look at it. It's around the same size as a Roblox character and moves very rapidly.
In 2021 alone, multiple incidents have been uploaded to YouTube that intrigued users to investigate more. Investigators have managed to capture strange occurrences in the facility that are not supposed to happen. Users with exploits have breached the vault in many ways to scare off the users investigating.
Rising incidents also include the "smoke detectors" seen throughout the base emitting paranormal behavior, including their eye turning red when agitated. They are placed throughout the facility and are usually harmless but sometimes can crash the victim. Unknown third parties most likely control these [devices?] to watch users who enter the base.
There are more entities in the facility than just the one in the footage. The community have given them the nickname, guardian's since guarding the facility is their purpose. These entities are all similar to one another and have similar reasons for what they are meant to do.
Guardian Private Version
As previously mentioned, Vault 8166 has a guard entity (often misinterpreted as "Vault 8166" the name of the facility). Not a lot is known about it's private version variant, since the sightings of it doing other things is rare.
There have been mentions of Vault 8166's private versions guardian from insiders, one mention reads that the guardian will be more dangerous and will contain "godlike abilities" and is near impossible to catch. More efforts to uncover more information about the original private version of the guardian are underway.
Guardian Public Version

Close-up image of the guardian
The Guardian as seen in multiple footages on YouTube (Notably the original attack footage) is portrayed as a fast skinny black figure with a black particle emitter on its head and upper torso.
The Guardian was controlled by a now-banned user, this would most likely explain why the guardian would make a turn like it did in the hallway of the original footage.
It is not known how many incidents there are from the facilities creation up until this point. It's probable that Vault 8166's Private Guardian is still operating.
Primary Guardian Model Name: OP@111########ll#
Level 5 Guardian
The Level 5 automated guard, more widely known as the 'Golden Guardian' for its unique golden stripes on the side of its limbs (excluding the head) can be found in Level 5 and it is the most dangerous entity in the Vault due to its unique ability to Perma-ban players from re-entering Vault 8166.
This is different for those who have been banned in the public version. Anyone caught by the Golden Guardian when it was first added will experience this message if they tried to rejoin "Your time is limited." -Mark Twain"
Due to high amounts of incidents occurring in 2022, the golden guardian now only kicks people from the facility.
The Golden Guardian is only able to detect you if you walk into its Golden light. Because of this, it is advised to avoid it entirely.
Golden Guardian Model Name: OP30417h
There have been very few incidents in the early years of Vault 8166, but in recent years, there have many major incidents that have been occurring due to unknown reasons. Below is a list of major incidents that have happened from 2021-now.
Incident 5/20/2021
On 5/20/2021, the automated guardian entity of level 5 went rogue and became controlled by an exploiter by the name of TestAccount1230986. It was able to escape the pit of Level 5 and make its way into level 4 and then into Level 1. How the NPC was able to run Level 5 and move around the base is unsolved. The footage is available of the incident.
Vault 8166 Incident Footage 5-20-21
The Footage
Log of the incident recorded in Pacific Standard Time (PST).
- 7:48 AM - Level 5 Guardian sounds heard near Level 4, users seen running away from Level 4 area.
- 7:50 AM - Level 5 Guardian made its way into level 1 hall and walked down the hall until reaching the white guardian chamber.
- 7:55 AM - Level 5 Guardian is seen wandering in the entrance to Level 3, where the regular guardian is usually seen.
- 7:59 AM-8:02 AM - Attacking spree begins.
- 8:03 AM - Went to level 1 and started attacking users near the infamous main hall from the first footage.
- 8:04 AM - It made its way to the spawn and started spawn killing.
- 8:06 AM - the server was shutdown/locked
Around 20 minutes later, the rogue Level 5 Guardian re-emerged and made its way into Level 1 and spawn killing incoming users for around 40 minutes before the server shut down once again.
Although not much is known about the facility, anyone who enters the game will spawn at Level 1. To get anywhere else in the facility can only be done through secret passages or BTools.
- Level 1 - Most visible area of the game. Does not contain much but guardian sightings are most frequent here.
- Level 2 - A large and dark room with two high floors on both sides with computers.
- Level 3 - Entrance is past the big white room and smoke detector trap in Level 1. Most likely what the guardian entity is trying to protect.
- Level 4 - Next to the entrance of Level 2, contains a floating skull and hall of strange data blocks.
- Level 5 - Can be found in level 4. It is the most dangerous area in the facility.
- Level 6 - Unknown
- Level 7 - Easy entrance through level 1, does not seem to hold much, there is a place past a code door, past that is an empty room, and an active Smoke Detector.
- Level 8 - Unknown
- Level 9 - Unknown
The hallway shown in the first footage in 2016 takes place in Level 1, and it was most likely that the Guardian was chasing the users because they tried to enter Level 3.
A logical explanation for why the guardian is most spotted near the entrance of level 3 is that the level holds classified information, and investigators often search for just that. Hence, the reason why the guardian mostly protects that area, before anyone can view or access anything remarkable.
Different screen boxes showing storage logs contain a record of scripts, plugins, and other assets submitted to the database of Vault 8166. None of the usernames are shown, but one of the screen logs above the big white room in Level 1 contains an "EXTRA LAYER SECURITY THEY KNOW" submitted on 10/30/2016, which was around the time that rumors started to surface about Vault 8166.
Handbook 8166
A public document has surfaced with insider info on Vault 8166. It contains brief history and information about the facility. A vital code is revealed on page 8, which gives any user the ability to bypass some security measures in Vault 8166. The author is anonymous.
On 1/04/2022, the handbook was updated with more info related to the Guardian and the effects of what happened to the facility after the infamous 2017 footage leaked onto Something very noteworthy is that when the smoke detector's eye turns white, it makes a Hz frequency sound followed with screeching noises. It's still unkn users in the facility, but it's plausible that they could be much more destructive with new videos surfacing on the internet.
It was once possible to somehow control some of these smoke detectors in the facilities early years when it was released to the public, although no one has been able to take over them since 2021.
A detailed inspection of the Smoke Detector model reveals five scripts labeled Alarm, Flash, Masterscript, Normal, and Watching. Each is contained in a single value labeled 'Brain.'

The dark red smoke detector eye
It's unknown if all smoke detectors can do the same thing, probably because they haven't been recorded doing strange activities. It's most likely that the smoke detectors with the ability to crash people are there not to let people see anything significant in the vault.

Turned off smoke detector
It is believed that the Smoke Detectors are controlled via GUI or some other method like one of the monitors scattered across the vault, or are being controlled by some other entity. More info about the smoke detectors is in the handbook.
There have been many theories from users that have investigated Vault 8166, and the ones listed could connect the dots to discovering certain mysteries and loose ends.
- A user in the 2017 footage must have survived to post a forum, most people suspect that the user left before the entity guard caught him.
- Some sort of group or committee had silenced the user who posted the forum, since he was never heard from again.
- Vault 8166 has specific ethernets, meaning that each level potentially has its own internet connection.
- There are mentions of API systems that are disabled level 7 of the vault. Users suspect that new ones were added specifically for the public version of Vault 8166 since there was a Trello board active with all the guardian logs.

The Vault 8166 Hallway without any players
- The numbers in the title are the first four numbers of 1x1x1x1's user-id. But it is unknown whether 1x1x1x1 is affiliated with Vault 8166 or not.
- The server itself will not show up on recently played games.
- The LVL5 Guardian's theme song is the Barney theme song pitched at 0.15.
- Users caught by the guardian are logged on a Trello board which is found here. It seems however that the Trello board is no longer active, most likely due to the Guardian being mostly inactive in the public version of the facility.
- One of the users from the Original Attack Footage has been identified as esaelP_Tnod, this was discovered by an unknown Roblox user (presumably multiple). The other is theorized to be Awrp.