Roblox Creepypasta Wiki
Roblox Creepypasta Wiki

Welcome to the RCW Hall of Fame. This is your number one place to find quality pastas and award winners. If you have any suggestions for this, feel free to post to here.

Golden Pasta Awards

Silver Pasta Awards

The Pillar Of Steel by Evita128. (Winner of January 2019 POTM.) Infected Transition Writer: DarkSwarm. Reason for entry: Beautiful Pasta.

Bronze Pasta Awards 

“I Found a Journal With Disturbing Entries in My Hotel.” by Likemea, R0B0-M3m3S, BlueStarOmega. Reason for Entry: Quality Pasta and chilling.

How to get a pasta into the Hall of Fame

Gold award reasons: Winner of POTY, outstanding pasta the community wants to go in, or a pasta that is attracting lots of attention in a good way.

Silver award reasons: Outstanding pasta, featured pastas may be put in here, winner of competition.

Bronze pasta awards: Winner of POTW or a small competition..

If you have any suggestions for reasons, please do not hesitate to contact the above message wall.
