Roblox Creepypasta Wiki


It was happeneds in 2015 year,

I going to visit place, but i gonna not joining cus i gonna test all secret games, i patched False in games. it give me false game. i visit it, it have a creepy blood house. nothing, i going to go to the corridor. i got jumpscare when i got in. and it is block that says ilikedolls1 is coming... and after some mins my computer got crashed. I dont play roblox, but i test roblox... sites in a perfect outfit! i got message from 1rebmudellikHELP... he says Help me. i going to visit Rocitizens, he message me on phone and he says HELP ME and after messages. i delete all messages and unfriend him!

After 1rebmudellikHELP got banned, he back for 14 days. i pretty scared. i got message from him. he says Your a traitor... i am scared i change my password. and i report him. he scared and never comes back to me...

Then the end you think?


I am was so happy because 1rebmudellikHELP gone! i was playing roblox without any problems with rebmudellik. When i going to back to his place. i search in places False, but it gives me null. i am back to all popular games. No false game. i am pretty sure. rebmudellik comes back soon, ill going to play game Roblox high shcool and troll bullies and Daters... and report this people (: ... BUT NOT! The rebmudellik message me back, he say *YOU THINK, MY GAME OUT? NO! WE WILL COMING BACK* ill see the creepy eyes in my game... At next day my profile changed name, now it is called HeHelpMeHeHero. I scared, i create new account. and i isnt see him for a mouth... finnaly.... i am explain my adventures to my friends, but he are coming back!


Hes coming back, i got message from him... he says *Crocodile, Crocodile (:* I am close my computer. and back to hes game, hes game was unbanned and i check it, it creepy. I say rebmudellikHelp: Dont come back. Bad guy! and i report him...he message me *How dare you?!* and hes got banned forever...




"ilikedolls" A Roblox Creepypasta

Hes avatar photo!
