These are the site's rules and guidelines in regards to categorizing articles, as well as details on special categories, adding categories, etc. Please read the Guidelines for more information.
Only use these categories
- Classic: Pastas that are from 2017 or older.
- Entities: Any pastas containing entities.
- Files: For pastas with pictures/screenshots in them.
- Games: Pastas related to game play should be marked with this category.
- Glitches/Exploits: A category for pastas containing glitches or exploits.
- Journal: Pastas that have Journal or log entries in them.
- Mystery: A category for pastas in which usually crime scenes or investigations take place.
- NSFW: Pastas that are not appropriate to view at work, school, or any public places MUST have this category. This includes gore, suggestive themes, vulgar language, violence, etc.
- Paranormal: Pastas containing paranormal events or characters, such as witches, ghosts, zombies, etc should have this category.
- Romance: When there's romance in a pasta, you have a category for it.
- Poetry: This category should be added to any pastas written as a poem.
- Sad Endings: For pastas that have sad endings or characters who are sad at the ending of the story.
- Shock Endings: Usually a plot twist; if the pasta has an unexpected ending or if it's ending is different than the rest of the story, this category is the perfect description.
- Site Based: For site based pastas, of course.
- Unfinished: Any pastas that are unfinished MUST be marked with this category so that admins can review and manage them.
- Users: For pastas that are based on users.
- Videos: For pastas with videos in them.
- Weird/Strange: For pastas that are a little unusual.
- Marked for Review: This category must ONLY be used for pastas that are of low quality - multiple spelling/typographical errors, wall of text, misuse of homophones, punctual errors, or anything else that does not meet the Quality Standards.
- Marked for deletion: This category must ONLY be used for pastas that are of low quality or fail to meet the Quality Standards and cannot be fixed; usually pastas that are considerable for deletion in the future.
Don't use these categories (or synonyms of these)
- True
- Fake
- Dumb
- Crap
- Cringe
- Creepy
- Boring
- Stupid
- Annoying
- Funny/Hilarious
- Fiction/Nonfiction
Category usage
- When adding categories, please remember that all categories are case sensitive.
- Anyone can use the Marked for review category on pages. ONLY use the Marked for review category if a pasta belongs to another user and is of low quality.
- Please do NOT add the Marked for deletion category unless you have the Content Moderator or Administrator role.
- Please do NOT add categories outside of the Admin categories to administrator pages and site rules pages.
- Meta, Admin, Rules, and Site Rules are Admin-Only categories. Please do NOT use Admin categories on regular pages, or on any pages unless you have the Administrator role.