Roblox Creepypasta Wiki

(Before this starts I need to tell you a little about myself. I am 14 and I like playing Tower of Hell I have claustrophobia because of when I was little which I will explain in this story later on. Now back to the story.)

[^The beginning of it all^][]

I always liked playing tower of hell because it never had any small spaces except for sometimes. The reason I have such a fear of small spaces is when I was little I was accidentally pushed into a small body of water which is the reason I am afraid. Wednesday afternoon, I logged on but there was a weird message in Tower of Hell today. It says ”WARNING TO ALL TOWER OF HELL USERS NEW HACKER IS GOING TO HACK ANYONE WHO IS ACTIVE TONIGHT.” I didn’t think much of it. I thought it was some hacker that hacked into Tower of Hell but everyone on the server was freaking out, not even trying to win the game. They say things like: “Well it's not even going to even matter, the game will probably restart our progress.” I kept playing and it just struck midnight.


Suddenly, the game starts to glitch and burns to a fiery flame as fierce as the night. The platform I was standing on was removed. I fell into a box with the same texture that the map was seconds ago. There was a maze for me to complete. When I got to the end, I was teleported back to the end again. I tried again several more times but it wasn’t going to end yet.


I did it four more times, but it still wasn’t letting me go. Until I teleported to a room filled of old paintings of children but it was odd, it was like I knew where these paintings came from. Suddenly, it hit me. These were my childhood paintings. I was starting to panic how do they know what my childhood drawings were!?!?!? I quickly turned off my laptop but my laptop was getting hotter and hotter. I ran to the freezer and put my laptop in there for a few minutes. After 5 minutes, I took it out but there was a message from an unknown person from Roblox. I decided to ignore it because too much has been happening in just an hour or so. I logged out of Roblox and watched some cats on YouTube for 4 hours until my mom came home. I decided not to tell her because she was already stressed keeping up with bills so I kept the drama to myself.


I watched the days go by like a cheetah. I was being haunted by my thoughts. Anger rolling down my face. Tears in my thoughts. The only thing haunting me wasn’t the trauma I had been through…. It was my inner distortion.
