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Somebody on vault latam called phobos410 give me a rblx file called Ultimate.rblx which is vault zero full map
Well that binary code translates in vault8166 is lol world hello there!" i thought it was a mystery :sob:
My first story here will be focusing on Michelle and how she ended up as a corpse with a name
There isn't really meant to be an anecdote or crazy lore, just a warning for something that really, really shouldn't be. Of course, that means it's way shorter than most other creepypastas.
You will never guess where I got this idea from >:)
Ive been searching a roblox creepypasta since 2024 but i cant find It
The only details that i have was chinese name (Game) and the player was a guest that most recorded back in 2016/2017
The map was mostly gray i mean not that dark and there was like a symbol not like 8166 but kinda different the only thing left was the end of the vid was the guest leaving the game
I possibly found a vid when i was a kid of someone searching roblox creepypasta games and there was that game also does anybody remember it
Why does he look like me??
wait i cant delete my posts AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I dont know the name, but it had to do something with the slide. basically, the protag doesnt even remember who he is, but he knows the series of events of how he got here
Basically, he joined a place, and when he slid down he forgot everything, and he begs the reader to go down the slide so he could remember again
Not sure if it was some wild dream that i made (it probably isnt), but i swear it existed, and im sure somebody does too
(it was a few years ago too)
A user named tyleriscool2015 has made a remake of “The Wrath” (enius121s old game) although its not completely accurate, it still did a good job at remaking the game.
https://robloxcreepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Area_02_-_Remastered It's based on my older, kind of bad 2 part Area 02 pastas. This one was just improved and I added over 7k bytes to it. There's not a better time to read it! If you could rate it, please leave comments on the comments section of the page, I'd appreciate it.
Now dont get me wrong for saying vault demo is fake i have a proof of It
(2 screenshots from a tiktok and a footage from yt)
-Tiktok screenshot
-screenshot from a footage (yt)
Plus the map didnt mostly changed since 2015
Я аутист, и я люблю когда бог слушает моя мечты, они красива? Когда я была 16 лет, я иду на больницу с моя мама, конечно, я вижу страшные наркотика, я люблю бог слушает и сейчас я была в огонь всегда для жизнь.
The Intruder Incident Chapter 10 - Endless Despair
Coming Tomorrow...
It's been 5 days, Brandon... Where are you?... The last photo you took was 5 days ago... What is that figure in the background?... Where are you at?... It's been 5 days and you haven't returned home... I miss you, son...
Our roblox creepypasta wiki is growing ima add more creeoypastas (if i found)
Bye yall also happy xmas